Thursday, July 29, 2010

Scary Scurvy

The information above is intended only to demonstrate the ease with which one might publish an online informational video.

If you believe you have scurvy, eat a lemon, ASAP!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Check out (link to the right). You can register for free. I especially like the "Daily Plate" part of the website. Once you create a registered account name, you can track your daily calorie intake and exercise. This is a nice tool (and a lot cheaper than signing up for weight watchers!) Plus, it sets your calorie goal based on your height, weight, age, baseline activity level, and desired weight loss (or weight gain for some of our patients).

In addition, they have an iphone / ipod touch application which allows you to track your foods "on the go."

This costs about $3.00 but is well worth it.

The First Post

Welcome to our practice website. Answers to frequently asked questions can generally be found in the long column on the right.

We will use this space, from time to time, to communicate the exciting things that are happening in our practice.